
Posts Tagged ‘injustice’

My TAO Challenge

Day 1


 1.)        Identify a personal annoyance or irritant.

My decision:  Double Standards

Within the workplace, financial market place, employment opportunities and housing provisions

TAO instructions:  turn my attention to become open minded and allow permissiveness to befriend the mystery within me.  As I allow ‘Double Standards’ to enter within myself it manifests as: anger, a feeling of less than, injustice, inequality, sub-standard, being slighted, suppression and oppression.

TAO instructions:  allow the feelings to be, while giving non-judgmental attention

  • Anger-only effects me
  • Less than-destroys my passion
  • Being slighted-fuels the anger
  • Oppression-destroys hope
  • Suppression-steals creativity
  • Injustice-places myself in the Judge’s chair 
  • Inequality-fuels division
  • Sub-standard-destroys possibilities 
  • Rejection-lowers self-esteem

    (My first admission – this may take awhile!)

TAO instructions:  Monitor each feeling with compassion.  Accept whatever comes.  No labels.  No defending.  Only I can take responsibility for the labels.


Looks like I created an existence of two worlds.  One world I created with my choice of labels, and the second world I created is my response to my labels.

The two worlds I created offered no avenue for creativity, passion, hope or opportunities.

Action plan:


  • Identify the situation.  Is it ‘chatter’, news reports, gossip, social media?  Am I personally affected by the situation? 
  • Turn off the ‘chatter’.  Limit my exposure to news related information to 15 min/day.  When gossip enters the conversation, remove myself.
  • Assist others in the area of overcoming double standard situations.     

What would you have chosen as a personal annoyance or irritant?  This is a question all of us could face but if you are someone struggling with grief, I believe the annoyances are magnified as we learn to walk with our grief.

Join me in the TAO Challenge, what is your action plan?

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